On Health and Happiness

Stephanie Seege is an established gluten-free cookbook author who is committed to promoting health and happiness.

According to Stephanie, there is yet much to be discovered
about gut health and its direct link to our happiness, something that she passionately communicates to her followers.

Stephanie battled a number of illnesses when she was young. She got tired of feeling sad, sick, and anxious until she accidentally met an Indian Ayurdevic doctor in 2010 and
encouraged her to change her diet. Ayurdevic Medicine was based on the belief that health and wellness depend on a delicate balance between the mind, body, and spirit.

Since she could not find one that suited her way of eating then, she started writing a cook book. In 2014, Stephanie developed the website Helpings which intends to make the
readers literally happy by giving daily helpings of food, digestion, yoga, meditation and exercise.

Stephanie uses simple yet gastronomic recipes to improve health. Luckily, she
shared with us healthy recipes that promote good skin. Even the on-the-go moms and yuppies can prepare them in just few minutes. The ingredients are available at local fresh
sections and loaded with health-giving nutrients like greens, nuts, fish and fruits. Well, get your wok and prep for a completely nourishing gourmet dishes yet fun and quick to prepare.


download (1)Porridge-(1)_SFW                             (Photo: Emma Pharaoh)

Porridge – Fibers (in oats) are important for good digestion. If you suffer from indigestion, your skin will most likely also suffer
 Preparation time: 10 minutes
1 helping
150 ml/75g buckwheat flakes/oats
400 ml water
1/3 tsp ground cardamom or two cardamom pods
½ tsp ground cinnamon
3 tbsp maple syrup
1 tbsp ghee or coconut oil
1 apple
1 tbsp pumpkin seeds
1.      Place the buckwheat flakes in a pot with 300 ml water and let draw preferably over night or at least for 5-10 minutes (use boiled water if you let the flakes draw only for a few minutes)
2.     Peel and core the apple, cut it in thin slices of your preference – the smaller, the easier to eat with a spoon
3.     Add 100 ml of hot water, the cardamom (pods) and bring the mix to a boil. Cook for one minute over medium heat while stirring with a spoon
4.     Add cinnamon, maple syrup, ghee/coconut oil, the apple slices and pumpkin seeds
 Alternative 1: Serve with fresh papaya, pomegranate seeds or nectarines
Alternative 2: Cook the porridge with 0.25 tsp nutmeg and a peeled and chopped apple. Sweeten with maple syrup
Alternative 3: Do not add spice to the porridge, but serve with almond milk and fresh berries – e.g. blueberries, strawberries and raspberries are ideal
(Photo: Emma Pharaoh)
Salmon and Avocado – The skin needs lots of healthy fats, such a salmon and avocado to stay elastic and shiny.
 Preparation time: 10 minutes
1 helping
 2 eggs
50 ml soya milk
3 field mushrooms
0.5 tsp Herbs de Provence
0.5 tsp ground black pepper
1 tbsp olive oil
For serving:
50g smoked salmon
1/2 avocado
0.5 tsp sea salt flakes
1.     Mix the eggs with the milk in a bowl and whisk lightly using a fork. Slice the mushrooms thinly, add them to the bowl along with ground black pepper and herbs de Provence
2.    Pour the olive oil into a Teflon frying pan and add the omelette mix. Fry on medium heat for a couple of minutes while making sure that the sides of the omelette don’t burn using a wooden spatula. Frying the omelette takes about three to four minutes
3.    When slightly moist on the top and golden brown underneath, slide the omelette over to a plate and add a piece of smoked salmon on top. Also slice half an avocado and garnish the omelette with it and some sea salt flakes
(Photo: Emma Pharaoh)
Sunflower seeds – They contain naturally occurring healthy fats and vitamins that prevent you from getting terribly hungry in between meals
Preparation time: 5 minutes
2-4 helpings
100g/200 ml sunflower seeds
4 tbsp gluten-free soy sauce
1. Place the seeds in a dry frying pan and roast them on high heat for 3-5 minutes while stirring. The seeds are ready when they are light brown and there is a slight nutty smell
2. Put the seeds on a plate, let cool and mix with 4 tablespoons soy sauce
(Photo: Emma Pharaoh)
Eat your greens – The body needs vitamins and minerals to build and repair your skin
Preparation time: 15 minutes
3 helpings
2 red onions
3 garlic cloves
1 tbsp olive oil for frying
1 broccoli
100g fresh spinach
20 sugar snap peas
1 courgette (approx. 250g)
1 red bell pepper
200 ml water
1 tsp salt
0.5 tsp ground black pepper
1 tbsp paprika
2 avocados
1.      Chop and fry the onion in olive oil for one minute in a frying pan
2.     Add the chopped broccoli (only the crowns), sliced red pepper, sugar snap peas cut in half, thin courgette coins, chopped spinach, 200 ml water, salt, ground black pepper and paprika. Steam the vegetables for 4 minutes
3.     Throw in finely chopped garlic one minute before turning off the heat
4.     Serve with cubed avocado, sea salt and a drizzle of olive oil
Alternative 1: Take out the pit from 15 dried, sticky dates. Chop them and add to the frying pan along with the rest of the vegetables. This way the dish gets a very smooth and sweet taste
 Alternative 2: Cut two plain chicken breasts into pieces and fry them with the onion and olive oil
 along with
4 tablespoons of gluten-free soy sauce. Follow the rest of the recipe as set out above.
 Alternative 3: Add chopped walnuts, macadamia nuts and salted peanuts when the wok is ready.
To learn more about HELPINGS and to see more of her healthy recipes visit thisishelpings.com and follow them at Instagram.
This article was originally posted on Fair Magazine at